Class BulkConfig

  • public class BulkConfig
    extends Object
    A class that holds values representing the configuration options for SCIM BULK operation (see section 5 of RFC 7643).
    • Constructor Detail

      • BulkConfig

        public BulkConfig()
        Creates an instance of BulkConfig with all its fields unassigned.
      • BulkConfig

        public BulkConfig​(boolean supported,
                          int maxOperations,
                          long maxPayloadSize)
        Creates a BulkConfig instance based on parameters supplied.
        supported - Specifies whether the bulk operation is supported.
        maxOperations - Specifies the maximum number of operations supported per bulk.
        maxPayloadSize - Specifies the maximum payload size in bytes supported per bulk.
    • Method Detail

      • isSupported

        public boolean isSupported()
        Indicates whether the PATCH operation is supported.
        A boolean value
      • getMaxOperations

        public int getMaxOperations()
        Retrieves the maximum number of operations supported in a bulk.
        The maximum number of operations.
      • getMaxPayloadSize

        public long getMaxPayloadSize()
        Retrieves the maximum payload size allowed in a bulk.
        The maximum payload size in bytes.
      • setSupported

        public void setSupported​(boolean supported)
      • setMaxOperations

        public void setMaxOperations​(int maxOperations)
      • setMaxPayloadSize

        public void setMaxPayloadSize​(long maxPayloadSize)