Interface ClientSideService

    • Method Detail

      • getServiceProviderConfig

        @Produces("application/scim+json; charset=utf-8")
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") getServiceProviderConfig()
        Performs a GET to the /ServiceProviderConfig endpoint that returns a JSON structure that describes the SCIM specification features available on the target service implementation. See sections 5 and 8.5 of RFC 7643.
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A successful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a ServiceProviderConfig object in the entity body
      • getResourceTypes

        @Produces("application/scim+json; charset=utf-8")
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") getResourceTypes()
        Performs a GET to the /ResourceTypes endpoint that allows to discover the types of resources available on the target service provider. See sections 6 and 8.6 of RFC 7643.
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A successful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a ListResponse in the entity body (holding a collection of ResourceType objects)
      • getSchemas

        @Produces("application/scim+json; charset=utf-8")
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") getSchemas()
        Performs a GET to the /Schemas endpoint that allows to retrieve information about resource schemas supported by the service provider. See sections 7 and 8.7 of RFC 7643.
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A successful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a ListResponse in the entity body (holding a collection of SchemaResource objects)
      • searchResourcesPost

        @Produces({"application/scim+json; charset=utf-8","application/json; charset=utf-8"})
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") searchResourcesPost​(SearchRequest searchRequest)
        Executes a system-wide query using HTTP POST. The results obtained can be of different resource types. See section 3.4.3 of RFC 7644.
        searchRequest - An object containing the parameters for the query to execute. These are the same parameters passed via URL for searches, for example in
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A successful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a ListResponse in the entity body (holding a collection of SCIM resource objects)
      • searchResourcesPost

        @Produces({"application/scim+json; charset=utf-8","application/json; charset=utf-8"})
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") searchResourcesPost​(String searchRequestJson)
        Executes a system-wide query using HTTP POST. This is analog to searchResourcesPost(SearchRequest) using a Json String to supply the payload.
        searchRequestJson - A String with the payload for the operation. It represents a org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.SearchRequest object
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A successful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a ListResponse in the entity body (holding a collection of SCIM resource objects)
      • processBulkOperations

        @Produces({"application/scim+json; charset=utf-8","application/json; charset=utf-8"})
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") processBulkOperations​(BulkRequest request)
        Sends a bulk request as per section 3.7 of RFC 7644. This operation enables clients to send a potentially large collection of resource operations in a single request.
        request - The object describing the request. Depending on the use case, constructing an instance of org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.bulk.BulkRequest might be cumbersome. A more agile approach is using a Json string by calling processBulkOperations(String)
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A succesful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a BulkResponse object in the entity body (holding the results of every processed operation). The number of results is constrained by parameters such as org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.bulk.BulkRequest#failOnErrors.
      • processBulkOperations

        @Produces({"application/scim+json; charset=utf-8","application/json; charset=utf-8"})
        @DefaultValue("application/scim+json") processBulkOperations​(String requestJson)
        The analog to processBulkOperations(BulkRequest) using a Json payload.
        requestJson - A String with the payload for the operation. It represents a BulkRequest
        An object abstracting the response obtained from the server to this request. A succesful response for this request should contain a status code of 200 and a BulkResponse object in the entity body (holding the results of every processed operation). The number of results is constrained by parameters such as org.gluu.oxtrust.model.scim2.bulk.BulkRequest#failOnErrors
      • usersChangedAfter

        @Produces("application/json; charset=utf-8") usersChangedAfter​(@QueryParam("timeStamp")
                                                      String isoDate,
                                                      int start,
                                                      int itemsPerPage)
        Obtains user entries that have been updated or added in the local Gluu database after a specified timestamp. This is NOT part of SCIM spec. See class See the doc page.
        isoDate - Represents a timestamp in ISO format (eg. 2019-12-24T12:00:03-05:00)
        start - Integer offset from which results are output
        itemsPerPage - Maximum number of results to retrieve
        An json object representing the results of the query. See the doc page for more information